The world of Yore resembles Earth in many ways. Day follows night as sure as night follows day. The sun and clouds share the sky with the pale moon and unnumbered stars. The cycling of four seasons marks the passage of a year, while wind, rain, and all sorts of weather shape the land. All these natural forces, and one more – magic, define and refine the world of Yore.
Yore is one continent on an entire planet; however, to the inhabitants it is the world.
The far north is the Winterlands. The region's name reflects its character. Year round, snow and ice cover the land. It is not entirely inhospitable though. There are people who call it home. Most people settle around the delightful hot springs that pop up around the area.
Looking south, there is a land of sun and sand. A vast desert called the Miragelands, which stretches toward unknown boundaries. It is dotted with the occasional oasis, which serves the hardy inhabitants well.
In the middle, ranging from east to west, extends a large temperate zone. Mountains, forests, hills and plains make this most well traveled and homely region. The Splitstone mountain range, cloaked with clouds, reaches up to the sky. Caves honeycomb the slopes and peaks penetrating deep within. The peaks, named for the appearance of the age-weathered rock, cut across the land. Yore bares forests that can hold entire nations unto themselves. One such forest, the Wanderwood, does. Here also are grasslands and plains that appear as boundless and rolling as the seas that bookend the continent on either coast; the most notable is the Goldendisk Grasslands, which produce much of Yore’s farm goods.
Add to the mix the rivers, lakes, swamps, marshes, and hills and you have a land that has largely been mapped but still holds surprises for the most seasoned of adventurers. A wanderer can go days without seeing a soul, or might happen upon a different village for every meal, snack, or rest in one day’s hike.
Locations of note:
• The Steamveil Hot Springs in the Winterlands, a large trading post that resembles a perpetual festive;
• The Mud Pot Hot Spring, home to orcs and goblins;
• The Coolrun Oasis in the Miragelands, a neutral area where nomads stop to trade goods and stories;
• Agator’s Peak in the Splitstone Mountains, the range’s highest point, named for the dwarf who climbed it – alone;
• Agator’s Cave, home to the seat of the dwarf nation;
• The Ashmound Volcano in the Splitstone Mountains, a simmering but inactive volcano;
• The Crystal Tone Caverns in the Splitstone Mountains, where spelunkers and musicians delve to hear the naturally tuned crystals ring with haunting melodies;
• The Wanderwood, home of the seat of the elf nation;
• The Glasslake, large and serene, but what lies beneath…
• The Spring Rush River, a large long river that goes from roaring rapids to a placid, meandering flow;
• The Spillsilt Delta at the end of the Spring Rush, homes on docks, boats, and stilts abound;
• The Sucking Swamp, little can be said about this place, the few who have braved it aren’t alive to share what they have seen;
• The Goldendisk Grasslands, home of the seat of the halfling nation
• Cairn City, the largest settlement in all of Yore, home of the seat of the human nation and home of Castle Yore. The city has been built up around a large pile of stones in which, it is rumored, rests a dormant, ancient evil.